what is GRAPHIC DESIGN? Why Graphic design is important for digital marketing?

Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography,  photography, iconography, and illustration. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design.

Graphic Design

  Graphic designers create and combine symbols, images, and text to form visual representations of ideas and messages.
we can explain the definition of graphic designing in a various way which as follows:-
  • Graphic design is the craft of creating visual content to communicate messages. Applying visual hierarchy and page layout techniques, graphic designers use typography and pictures to meet users' specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements in interactive designs to optimize the user experience.
  • Graphic designing is art with the purpose that involves a creative and systematic plan to solve a problem or achieve specific objectives.
  • It is a unique process of visual communication through images, symbols, or even words. Graphic elements, hence, enhance the aesthetic expression of concepts and ideas. Efficient graphic design highlights plans to discover what makes an image genuinely stand out and get shared.  


importance of graphic design

Graphic design has a big role to play in the modern competitive business environment. Businesses need the services of graphic designers to create impressive marketing materials. The importance of Graphic Design in Digital Marketing cannot be stressed enough. 
   Today, each and every product/service being promoted via Digital Marketing incorporates the concept of ‘relevant visual elements’ to appease the target audience. To reap profits from your business, a good digital marketing strategy infused with the best graphic design is the need of the hour. 

So why exactly it is important?

 Let’s know why graphic design is vital for Digital Marketing. 

1)Build Your Own Identity

Your Graphic design establishes your own brand, style, and identity among competitors. Customers and potential clients become more familiar with your brand because this builds your identity and generate more awareness than taglines. These images are much easier to recall or retain in people’s memory so when they see it, they will be able to identify and distinguish you from the crowd before the brand name does so. It also builds a connection with your clients.

2)Builds customer trust

People respond instantly to a rich creative illustration. You should use every opportunity to develop consumer trust and confidence for your brand. Poor interface design can develop a rather an unfavorable image of the company.

3)A means of attracting traffic to the website
Perfect designs of graphics and promote your website by driving traffic to your site. A website can receive more and more traffic while you keep it alive and update it with creative and innovative designs. It is needless to say that search engine rankings of your website will undoubtedly improve further.
4)Constructs a brand’s identity
It is very important for your business to establish a brand image, to stand out from the competitors and help establish its own identity. Every business has its own strength and so you would definitely not want to look like anybody else.

Graphic Designing is more than just aesthetics. It’s beyond creative concepts or graphical illustrations. It is more than how it looks or how it works. 
5) Sales Enhancements
Thoughtfully created graphic design pieces can help boost up sales. People are attracted to any uniquely designed thing. They get a message from a quality design. The message may be that the company owning the design delivers high-quality products or services. People get such messages indirectly in their minds when they see a unique logo design, business card, and other such designs. This helps bring people closer to the business's time and again.

6) Eyes can listen to what Ears can’t read
That “A picture is worth a thousand words” proverb might have become a cliché, but if you ask the reality, it is so true. Take Apple’s logo for example. What do you see on the back of every Apple product: MacBook, Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad, etc.? Just Apple’s logo: An apple! You don’t see a mission or vision statement, not even a tagline. The same goes for SAMSUNG, Nike, Audi, Mercedes, and many more.
So yes: When it comes to spreading the word about one’s business, the design comes first, and then comes the words. The design speaks louder, clear, and better than words.

7) It helps in conveying the brand message.
Most of the time it so happens when words cannot convey your brand’s information than videos or visuals. It is at such times graphic designers can play a key role in conveying the message in creative ways. Your business is complex with many products, sizes, colors, and sizes, and many other factors that are available.

Apart from all other factors that signify the important value of Graphic Design in digital marketing, Professionalism is my favorite part. Every single company which is highly professional about the work irrelative of its business size surely has a niche work of graphic designing in their marketing tactics. Whether it is creative or simple but it surely is effective.